Keeping Your Dog Cool in Warm Weather

Tips & Tricks

15 March 2024

As the temperature rises, it's vital to ensure our furry friends stay safe and comfortable. Sunny days can be delightful, but they also pose risks to our pets if proper precautions aren't taken. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you keep your dog cool, hydrated, and healthy during the hotter months.

Avoiding Hot Cars

Never leave your dog in a parked car during warm weather – it can quickly become dangerously hot inside, even with the windows cracked open. If you're running errands, it's safest to leave your dog at home in a cool, comfortable environment. When travelling with your pet, always ensure they're not left alone in the vehicle.

Hydration is Crucial

Make sure your dog has constant access to fresh, clean water. Increase their water intake on hot days to prevent dehydration. Placing water bowls around your house and yard, and adding ice cubes to the water can make drinking more enticing and help lower their body temperature.

Adjust Exercise Routines

Modify the timing and intensity of your dog’s exercise during hot days. Schedule walks for cooler times, like early morning or late evening, to avoid the heat of the day. Choose shaded routes and allow for frequent breaks, giving your dog a chance to cool down and catch their breath. You can also wet their coat with cool water before heading out for a walk to help them stay cool.

Recognising Heatstroke

It's crucial to know the signs of heatstroke. Symptoms include excessive panting, difficulty breathing, drooling, weakness, and even collapse. If you suspect heatstroke, move your dog to a cooler area, apply cool (not cold) water to their body, and contact a vet immediately.

Extra Tips for Hot Weather

Cooling Aids: Consider using cooling mats, vests, or bandanas to help lower your dog’s body temperature.

Protect Their Paws: Hot surfaces like asphalt can burn your dog's paws. Stick to shaded areas or grassy paths for walks, and consider protective booties if needed.

Watch the Humidity: High humidity can make it harder for dogs to cool themselves. Keep an eye on both the temperature and humidity levels.

Grooming: Regular grooming can prevent overheating. While a summer trim can be beneficial, avoid shaving your dog completely as their coat helps regulate body temperature

In conclusion, with some extra care and attention, you can ensure your dog enjoys the summer safely. Prioritising their wellbeing during hot weather is essential.

Dog Cool in Warm Weather

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