Our extensive resource centre packed full of canine articles, tips, advice and training videos.

dog dental health

Tips & Tricks

17 April 2024

Smiles That Shine: The Importance of Canine Dental Hygiene

When it comes to our doggy companions, dental care is often overlooked. However, just like humans, dogs require regular oral hygiene to maintain overall health and well-being.
Crate Training Dogs

Tips & Tricks

17 April 2024

Unlocking the Benefits: The Importance of Crate Training Your Dog

Crate training often raises questions and concerns among dog owners. Some see it as confining or even cruel, while others recognize its benefits for both the dog and the owner.

Help & Advice

16 April 2024

Stopping "accidents" in the home

Defecating indoors is an unacceptable behaviour for dogs due to various reasons that impact both the dog and its owner.

Help & Advice

11 April 2024

Help my dog is over protective!!

Addressing overprotective behaviour in dogs is crucial for the safety and well-being of both the dog and its owners.

Help & Advice

10 April 2024

Excessive barking - a challenge for everyone

Excessive barking in dogs can be a significant challenge for both owners and neighbours.
Socialising Dogs

Help & Advice

9 April 2024

How socialisation is important for your dogs development

Socialisation is a critical aspect of a dog's development and plays a crucial role...

Help & Advice

9 April 2024

Help... our dog steals our food!!

Dealing with a dog that steals or counter surfs for food or items requires a combination of management strategies, training, and environmental modifications to discourage the behaviour...

Help & Advice

9 April 2024

Dealing with asset protection in your dog

Guarding assets, such as food, toys, or territory, can be problematic behaviour in dogs due to several reasons that affect both the dog and its owners.
Dog Jumping up

Help & Advice

8 April 2024

10 Steps to stop your dog jumping up

Addressing a dog's habit of jumping up on people requires a combination of training, consistency, and positive reinforcement techniques.

Help & Advice

8 April 2024

Help, my dog hates my children!!

Addressing a dog's intolerance to children promptly with appropriate training is crucial for the safety and well-being of both the dog and the children.

Help & Advice

8 April 2024

10 Strategies to manage your disobedient dog

Managing a disobedient dog requires patience, consistency, and understanding.

Help & Advice

8 April 2024

Is your dog taking over?

Dominance in dogs, often misunderstood and misrepresented, can indeed pose significant challenges and risks within a household or social setting.